Sunday, August 26, 2007

A Crazy Week

Apologies to any readers who have checked in for the update that I rudely lied about; to say this has been a crazy week would be an incredible understatement. NYC, moving, and starting graduate school in the same week was not one of my better ideas. But enough about that...a quick recap of my trip.

As you may recall, last Tuesday's weather in NY was beyond disgusting. After travelling to see the game, you'll sit through anything. Poncho, hoodie, and flip flops (yes, I'm an idiot) and I was ready for the game. Thankfully, the game against the Padres turned out to be a nail biter and one heck of a comeback, despite the mediocre performance from the bullpen. With such a small crowd (ahem "48,000") it almost felt like a private showing of Ultimet Classics. Last year, I made a trip to NYC the same time of year (to the day) and was at Shea for the comeback against the Cardinals. I realize my luck is a miracle. Frozen feet...check. Incredible walk-off...check.

Wednesday morning I was strolling down West 42nd Street, heading to 5th Ave. As I pass the windows of ESPN Zone, I see all these David Wright cardboard cutouts and tons of Vitamin Water. I make the quick executive decision I must go inside to see what this is all about. There inside was David doing a private event for Vitamin Water and their David Wright or Wrong contest. By "Private Event" I mean you weren't allowed across the red rope, but you could stand on the normal people side and watch. So I would too. Out of it I got some good pictures, free Vitamin Water, and a PSP Demo of MLB 07 The Show. Not that I have PSP or really get the Vitamin Water hype, I would still say it was a successful event. The whole event was a bit ridiculous, and you can read some media coverage from the event here. The irony of the whole thing is perfectly illustrated in this story. The concept of the event was so wrapped up in informing those who think they will marry him with absurd details of his personal life, all while he insists that nothing comes before baseball. I'm not complaining though...Right Place, Right Time to see D.Wright again. Check. (I could have used a terribly corny play on words there but it annoys me when the media does it EVERY SINGLE TIME they write about David.)

I almost thought the Mets were going to pull out Wednesday's game against the Padres, but Carlos Delgado was as useful as my left thumb. Reyes breaking the franchise record for steals was obviously the highlight. That being said, I did have the opportunity to meet Ron Darling, who is incredibly polite and tall. When I have a chance I'll get the pictures up in which I look like a midget. This was big for me, as I truly enjoy when Ron is in the booth for the games. Despite watching baseball for as long as I can remember, I feel like I learn so much about pitching from him as it is something I cannot relate to. Be it pitch selection, how pitches are thrown, or how to mentally approach the game from the mound, I feel like I gain a lot from his insight.

The rest of the week has proved to stay crazy for the Mets. The entire series vs. San Diego was up and down. It was actually draining to be a fan for those three games. But for the most part the Mets have been playing pretty good ball. Reyes has been running like a madman and David Wright has just been down right ridiculous. It feels like Castillo has been a Met forever and I like it. And the Mets have widened the gap a bit in the NL East. It's crucial they have a good road trip in Philly and Atlanta to keep/increase the lead in the division. Mets toying with my optimism...Check.

I'm finally settled in my new place & will have my cable in working order by tomorrow. Updates this week will be much more abundant. Thanks for your patience!!

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