Monday, July 2, 2007

I Should Go Away More Often...

All I needed to do was get out of town for the week and apparently the Mets could find a way to win. If I had known it was that easy I would have done it two weeks earlier. All joking aside, it wasn't vacation; I was out of town for work. Work took me to Vermont, not exactly the baseball hotbed of the U.S., and more so Red Sox country than anything else. Therefore, I was stripped of all access to the Mets, which after 3 miserable weeks of team play, one should think it was a welcome break. Not the case, as the Mets decided to go on a tear and win all but one game while I was away. Nice guys, real nice...

The bitterness has started to subside. Now I'm just relieved they remembered what real baseball is supposed to look like. It appears they're still struggling a bit to be consistent on all fronts, but the end result is looking much better than it did about a week ago.

I should try to keep my complaining to a minimum, as I did get paid to watch the best young hockey players in New England for a week. Sadly though, I missed my Mets. I'm happy to be home and to spend my evening with Gary, Keith, and Ron again. I missed being frustrated listening to Willie's postgame comments. I also forgot what a pulled hamstring looked like. And I definitely no longer have any memory of Moises Alou...Moises who? And as expected, it's nice to see the left side of our infield representing in San Fran next week along with Beltran and Wagner.

Good riddance to the month of June, which was less than lackluster. Hopefully, July will see that the Mets get back on the right foot; back in the swing of things. If Beltran continues to break out a bit, this lineup can really get on a nice little roll. It's hard to believe the All-Star break is fast-approaching, and we're already halfway through this season. Let's end this first half the way we began it.

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