Friday, August 31, 2007

Thank You

Thank you Mets. I needed a win tonight to back the positivity I am trying to spread. I'm a glass half empty kind of girl. I was really digging deep for optimism. But thank you for reminding me that there is reason for that digging.

Thanks John Maine for remembering how to pitch...and pitch deep into games. Thanks for getting out of a big time jam and striking out eight. Most importantly, hats off for being the stopper.

Hey Delgado! Thanks for hitting a bomb with MEN ON BASE! If you could really find your groove down the stretch, they'll be more thanks where this came from. I'll stop whining about the last five months and just say better late than never.

Jose Reyes...the fact that you did not go 0-412 tonight was appreciated. When he goes, the Mets go. Hmm how many times have we heard that?

Although he did not have a big night, thanks D.Wright for being a leader. I'm glad you're on my team.

Thanks for being you Marlon Anderson. Seriously. Thanks being 67 times a better pinch hitter than Julio Franco. Thank you for making me forget about Julio Franco.

Thanks to the stage that is baseball for setting up a picture perfect scenario for Mike Pelfrey to FINALLY get a win this season. I like Mike Pelfrey. More people will be believers if he could come through tomorrow.

Last but certainly not least, thanks to Pedro for his aura. I don't know what it is about him, but he is a very healthy shot in the arm. We'll anxiously await for news on his return, but it could be right around the corner. The picture above was perfect. Pedro is in sight.

If Pedro's return continues to inch closer and the Mets can get some momentum going, there may a lot of things right around the corner. And we may have a whole lot more to be thankful for.

I Love the Mets...

I love the Mets...but right now they're making me angry. The Mets are playing so terribly even Rickey is silenced. I mean this has overstepped the line of being ridiculous. This HAS to stop.

This series in Philadelphia could have been a glorious march to the division title. Instead it was a demoralizing nightmare. It seems puzzling how the Mets have maintained first place all season but that doesn't matter anymore. How they approach being in first starting tomorrow will mean everything.

Hats off to David Wright for trying to be a one-man wrecking ball. He has tried to carry this team and pick them up in every way possible lately and it hasn't gone unnoticed. If there ever was a time for Wright to show his ability to be a leader, he picked the right time.

The Willie Randolph era is one that is characterized by gut feelings, terrible bullpen management, and luck. Willie's luck with his gut may be running out. Has he managed this bullpen ineffectively throughout the year? In my opinion, yes, but you can agree to disagree. A large theme of the Randolph era is turning the page. Remember those books in school where you could have a million different endings depending on what page you turn to? I bet Willie loved those books. In all seriousness though, the Mets need to take a page from the Phillies' book. They need to play with some intensity, some grit, and some fire. The Mets do not play like a team hungry for a pennant. If they keep up this kind of play, we may all be flipping through the pages, wishing we had picked a different ending.

It's not getting any easier as the Mets travel to Atlanta. The dread running through Mets fans is circa 1999. Some may not sleep tonight at the thought of Turner Field. But despite all the negativity and angst we are feeling as Mets fans, it is important to remember we are just that. Mets fans. We can take this and if you're a real fan, you have to support you team. If you're a Mets fan you don't take off your hat or your jersey. Instead "ya gotta believe," because if there ever was a Mets pledge of allegiance that is it. Don't throw in the towel...your team needs you now. Take heed to the words of Paulie. Have some faith everyone!

So despite five disgusting games...yes...I still love the Mets.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Say No to Mota

Again I'm left speechless and dumbfounded like our friends in the picture above. I am over the Guillermo Mota post-performance enhancing drugs era. Hello Mets! It's late August and you're playing the Phillies. They're in your division. Stop embarrassing yourself. I was considering a trek to Philadelphia tomorrow night, but for fears of another sub par outing, I will save my gas money. Hopefully they will make me regret that choice.

A picture is worth a thousand words. Tonight this is all I have to say.

Monday, August 27, 2007

That Went Well

Well...eww. There's not much else you can say about this one. First of all, it was nice to see LoDuca back in the lineup. That's about all that was nice to see. Here was one of those classic lackluster performance the Mets seem to have mastered. I don't really have a lot to say about this game, except let's hope for a better effort tomorrow.

The Mets need to make a statement this week against their division opponents. Plain and simple. There's no other way to put it. While the Mets can find ways to beat other teams, they allowed their eastern opponents to push them around a bit. The Mets meal ticket to the postseason is the division title. Although it seems the Mets can still handily achieve that it would be nice to know they did it by flexing their muscles a bit. Quite frankly you can't tell how well your team will play in October if they got there because their adversaries faltered the same time your team did.

Can't the Mets smell it? This is the time to go in for the kill; put the NL East to sleep. Prove your point. Show 'em who's boss. All those things. This is not the time to play foggy baseball and give these teams a sliver of optimism.

On a side note, Chase Utley is a ballplayer. I hate watching him play against the Mets and hate it even more when he makes a triumphant return against the Mets. That being said, as a baseball fan in general, I enjoy watching Utley. He plays the game the right way and has become another one of the fantastic crop of young faces in the game today. Unfortunately, he'll be a thorn in our side for a long time to come. Better yet, we've got a couple of those young faces. I'm not that envious.

I'm over the Brian Lawrence phase everyone. I actually was more tolerable of the Mike Pelfrey phase, as I am a Pelfrey believer. Luckily one thing that did go well today was Pedro Martinez's rehab start. More on that can be found here. Keep plugging along Pedro. We need you.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

A Crazy Week

Apologies to any readers who have checked in for the update that I rudely lied about; to say this has been a crazy week would be an incredible understatement. NYC, moving, and starting graduate school in the same week was not one of my better ideas. But enough about that...a quick recap of my trip.

As you may recall, last Tuesday's weather in NY was beyond disgusting. After travelling to see the game, you'll sit through anything. Poncho, hoodie, and flip flops (yes, I'm an idiot) and I was ready for the game. Thankfully, the game against the Padres turned out to be a nail biter and one heck of a comeback, despite the mediocre performance from the bullpen. With such a small crowd (ahem "48,000") it almost felt like a private showing of Ultimet Classics. Last year, I made a trip to NYC the same time of year (to the day) and was at Shea for the comeback against the Cardinals. I realize my luck is a miracle. Frozen feet...check. Incredible walk-off...check.

Wednesday morning I was strolling down West 42nd Street, heading to 5th Ave. As I pass the windows of ESPN Zone, I see all these David Wright cardboard cutouts and tons of Vitamin Water. I make the quick executive decision I must go inside to see what this is all about. There inside was David doing a private event for Vitamin Water and their David Wright or Wrong contest. By "Private Event" I mean you weren't allowed across the red rope, but you could stand on the normal people side and watch. So I would too. Out of it I got some good pictures, free Vitamin Water, and a PSP Demo of MLB 07 The Show. Not that I have PSP or really get the Vitamin Water hype, I would still say it was a successful event. The whole event was a bit ridiculous, and you can read some media coverage from the event here. The irony of the whole thing is perfectly illustrated in this story. The concept of the event was so wrapped up in informing those who think they will marry him with absurd details of his personal life, all while he insists that nothing comes before baseball. I'm not complaining though...Right Place, Right Time to see D.Wright again. Check. (I could have used a terribly corny play on words there but it annoys me when the media does it EVERY SINGLE TIME they write about David.)

I almost thought the Mets were going to pull out Wednesday's game against the Padres, but Carlos Delgado was as useful as my left thumb. Reyes breaking the franchise record for steals was obviously the highlight. That being said, I did have the opportunity to meet Ron Darling, who is incredibly polite and tall. When I have a chance I'll get the pictures up in which I look like a midget. This was big for me, as I truly enjoy when Ron is in the booth for the games. Despite watching baseball for as long as I can remember, I feel like I learn so much about pitching from him as it is something I cannot relate to. Be it pitch selection, how pitches are thrown, or how to mentally approach the game from the mound, I feel like I gain a lot from his insight.

The rest of the week has proved to stay crazy for the Mets. The entire series vs. San Diego was up and down. It was actually draining to be a fan for those three games. But for the most part the Mets have been playing pretty good ball. Reyes has been running like a madman and David Wright has just been down right ridiculous. It feels like Castillo has been a Met forever and I like it. And the Mets have widened the gap a bit in the NL East. It's crucial they have a good road trip in Philly and Atlanta to keep/increase the lead in the division. Mets toying with my optimism...Check.

I'm finally settled in my new place & will have my cable in working order by tomorrow. Updates this week will be much more abundant. Thanks for your patience!!

Friday, August 24, 2007

Update Coming Later Tonight

Check back tonight for a much needed update. I'm home from the city and almost unpacked in the new place. It's been a busy week, but I was fortunate to catch a few good games in the city...along with a run-in with Ron Darling and David Wright. (Not together obviously) I'll be back later tonight with the run down.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Busy Week Ahead

Monday off days are usually re-coop days for me. A day of no Mets as you know if you're a reader. This Monday is a little different as I'm heading to the city to catch the Mets this Tues. (if the rain holds out) & Wed.

As some of you may know, I'm returning to school this fall to pursue my master's in sports management full time. It's more than overwhelming despite the fact that I've only been out of school a year. Hopefully this year will go by incredibly fast and I can be done with school one and for all.

With the move & school starting, I'm sure my Mets time this week and next will be a bit limited. Hence the last minute effort to get to Shea before the craziness begins. A road trip to Philly may also be in the works, but we'll see how this week goes. I'll do my best to keep this updated daily, but if I slack off a bit, don't worry. I'll be back in full force once everything settles down. Thanks everyone!

Sunday, August 19, 2007


I can barely believe my eyes. The Mets completed the sweep of the Nationals today with another solid effort from El Duque, who finally got a win. The Mets finally showed signs of power by having a big inning in the eighth to break the tie and solidify their first sweep in quite some time.

New York is beginning to string together some solid performances, both offensively and defensively. This week the defense was brilliant, while the offense scored 43 runs in 6 games. With just one loss this week, you almost are getting an idea of how potent this ball club really can be. Not to overshadowed are the performances of Carlos Beltran and Moises Alou. When Alou is not in the Dominican Republic, he is one helluva ballplayer at his age. I would put him in my lineup any day. Carlos Beltran has taken a lot of heat from me, but his recent outburst at the plate only leaves you scratching your head of what could be if he could put together a solid, healthy year from April to September.

Needless to say, let's not get carried away. This sweep came against the Nationals, a lower-tier team. As I've said before, these are teams the Mets should be beating, despite the fantastic job Manny Acta is doing in his first year. The Mets will face some good pitchers this upcoming week and need to continue to this roll against the Padres and the quickly fading Dodgers.

Speaking of the Padres, I'll be at Shea this Tuesday & Wednesday. Being outside the city I have to plan adventures to Shea in advance. If you'll be at the games, let me know! I would love to meet anyone who checks in here. Enjoy the off day Mets fans!

Bad Year to be a Met

Valentin, Alou, Endy, Beltran, LoDuca, Castro, Gomez, Sosa, Perez, Green, El Duque, Pedro, and Sanchez. You name them and it seems like they've been on the disabled list this season. I love the Mets and all, but a Met is the last thing I want to be with the never ending injury bugging plaguing this year's team. If I had any say in it (and thankfully I don't), I may send the rest of this team on the field in bubble wrap.

Now add Damion Easley to that list after a horrible ankle sprain during tonight's game against the Nationals. Not the worst ankle injury I've seen watching baseball, but still awful to watch. The initial status of his injury is a grade three sprain, being the worst type of sprain. One can assume Easley is probably on the shelf for the remainder of this season. Being that he only signed a one-year deal with the Mets, who knows what his future will hold. It's an unfortunate injury since Damion has been an incredibly consistent bench player. Every time he has been in the lineup he has provided a constant remainder to Mets fans how potent their bench can be. With Easley being the latest addition to the hobble squad that is the Mets, I only hope Endy's return is right around the corner.

I've decided that the Mets will probably never be 100% this season. These injuries are getting a little ridiculous. That being said, besides that horrendous game in Pittsburgh, the Mets have been playing pretty good ball. We've seen some great defensive plays, decent pitching, and solid offensive efforts. Castillo has been a great addition to this ballclub and Wright could not have picked a better time to be swinging a hot bat. Thank god Beltran seems to have remembered that he's Carlos Beltran and Alou has been nothing but clutch. Hats off to Mike DiFelice who has been incredible while our catching tandem heals as well.

It's hard to tell if the Mets are starting to gel though. They're playing Pittsburgh and Washington; two teams they should easily dominate. Only time will tell if this team can get on a roll. If they can, it will make all the injuries a bit easier to cope with.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Hats Off to the Ladies

I could ramble about last night's success against the Pirates, but let's get serious. They should be beating the Pirates; there shouldn't be that much to analyze. Instead I want to take a minute to bring your attention to a much appreciated post from a fellow lady blogger for the Mets.

I check in with Metsgrrl, Zoe Rice, and the Coppola Sisters on a daily basis. These ladies are more than entertaining and it is blogs like these that make maintaining sanity while being a Mets fan possible. Yesterday, Metsgrrl discussed why she didn't attend the SNY viewing party at the Hawaiian Tropic Zone. If you're a lady reading this, please check it out here.

There are those female fans that do go nuts for the pink shirts or strictly watch baseball because "Oh My God! I wanna be Mrs. Wright!" Don't get me wrong, I've met David Wright twice and he's all that he's cracked up to be, BUT I was a Mets fan long before David Wright was driving. So please note the distinction. There are ladies out there, that like some men, live and breathe with their team. They sit in the 40 degree weather of April to see their first Opening Day or save their pennies to take a pilgrimage to Spring Training. Some of us can probably dance circles around some of you gentlemen in a baseball conversation.

Metsgrrl often discusses a feeling of missing out, as being a "newer" fan, but when you read her blog she hasn't missed a thing. Being a baseball fan, specifically a Mets fanatic, you either get it or you don't. I always look forward to her honest posts and her amazing photos. Let's be serious, not all of us can stay even-keel as Willie suggest. Metsgrrl more often than not puts what most of us are feeling into words, all while being incredibly witty.

As she discussed in her most recent post, there are little to no women in the baseball industry to look to, which is unfortunate. I must admit as a high school kid, I aspired to be a play-by-play announcer, and veered away from that as I was in college. Maybe that came from no one who was worth looking to as "I want to be just like her..." As I head to graduate school to pursue a degree in Sports Management, I don't know if I'll still end up in media, or some other facet of the baseball industry, but knowing there are incredibly knowledgeable female fans seeking to be heard is more than motivation.

So hats off to you lady bloggers! Thanks to the ladies mentioned above for encouraging me to start blogging myself & for all they add to the Mets blogging community! Keep up the fabulous work!

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Off Day = Mental Health Day

While the Mets will look to the off day as a time to check themselves; I will treat myself to a day of NO METS!

I love the Mets...everything about them and I have for too many years. But the Mets test my patience and quite frankly, make me a very anxious person from April-October. This season's under-par performances are really taking a toll on my blood pressure.

Monday is a day for the Mets to decide to get it together. They need to focus on the "fundies." They need to decide when they are sick of being dominated by teams under .500. They need to find a balance of long ball and small ball. They need to stop running through signs and start knocking runners in. They need to decide to flip the switch and put what's already happened behind them. This is the time to say "six weeks left, let get this show on the road." David Wright preaches that this team needs to start going in for the kill and putting teams away. Well, Jose Reyes had the right idea today...just keep kicking them while they're down and we still can take the NL East.

Monday is another day to work out the ever-evolving disabled list. Marlon Anderson should be due back soon and Ramon Castro's arthritic back may pose a head-scratching position. When it comes to nagging injuries, it's time to pull up the boot straps and grit your teeth. It's mid-August and we all have bumps and bruises. I know I do.

Monday is my day away from the Mets, as I usually practice on off-days. This is how I maintain some sense of sanity during a very long season and I advise all of you to do the same.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

El Esta Aqui?

I have remained silent on my feelings about Carlos Beltran for far too long. Let me begin by saying, I honestly want to like Carlos Beltran. It's almost like I've been waiting for three years, almost begging him to give me something to cling to. See the thing is, Beltran will make an incredible catch, have a 2 homer game, or do some interview coming off as a real nice, quiet guy, and I want to like him. I want to cheer. I even really like his at-bat tunes. When I come home from Shea after Beltran hit a walk-off home run, I want to say, "Yeah Beltran, he's an amazing player!!" And that Harlem RBI commercial gets me every single time.

But then something happens the next day and I just can't. I bite my tongue and wait for the next roller coaster ride Beltran will take me on. Beltran has not had a very good year at the plate this season. Besides misplaying that ball in last night's game against the Marlins, he still is one of the best defensive center fielders. But to me, if you cannot come through in the clutch, you are not a complete player. Beltran has failed the Mets numerous times in a clutch situation. Yes, other Mets have as well, but when Beltran signed with the Mets, he was supposed to be "that guy." The big stud, five-tool, outfielder. He was supposed to be another major Omar acquisition to take us to the promised land. Three years later, I'm still scratching my head.

Carlos Beltran is not an old man. His quad, oblique, knee, calf, etc are all apparently very old though. He has more nagging injuries than I do pairs of socks. All ballplayers have nagging injuries, especially later in the season, but Beltran takes this to a new extreme. He'll never be able to stay in a good rhythm with non-stop setbacks. Plus, when your teammates can play through a broken bone and you sit out a hang nail, it doesn't really resonate with the Shea faithful. Coming back last night to play and then sitting out tonight because he's not 100% from the right side does not fly with me. If you say you won't play until you're 100%, then DO NOT come back until you are 100%. Carlos, that means from the left AND right side.

I would hope three years would give a player enough time to prove himself to a fan and a city, yet I don't really think Beltran has achieved that. He has had moments that he has been cheered by New York, yet I don't think he has ever been really embraced by Mets fans. I think we all know New York is not a perfect fit for Carlos Beltran and I'm not so sure it will get any easier as the next four years of his contract play out.

I know that Carlos Beltran is not a bad guy and he is still is an amazing athlete. In addition to that, I'm not saying I would want anyone else in particular manning our outfield. I do think the grind of New York may be too much for him, but he is going to have to find a way to survive. It almost pains me to write this article, because even today I still want to like Beltran. Maybe I've seen too many weak grounders to second, or too many ugly strike out swings, or too many flashbacks to Game 7.

I'm just going to have to sit it out when it comes to Carlos Beltran. I'm just not 100% yet; I suffer from a strain of my patience.

Meet the Mets, Beat the Mets

I'm not sure if anyone is actually reading my blog. If you are, proceed with caution. I'm a bit annoyed with the Mets from top to bottom. Before I rant, let me thank David Wright for trying to be a one man show tonight. The bullpen let this one go, but not without a great night from #5. Whatever comes of my rant, David Wright is still on my good side. My very good side.

The Mets should have won both of these games against the Marlins. The bullpen has just been pitiful. Needless to say, this bullpen will never be as strong as last year's pen. This team is not last year's team, so it would be much appreciated if we could stop comparing the '06 and '07 New York Mets. I also have made an executive decision to not waste anymore of my energy on Willie Randolph. Chances are he will annoy me or frustrate me at least three times a week. I'm just going to expect it, deal with it, and move on with life.

I am not worried about Billy Wagner...for now. He's only blown two saves this season; perfection all season cannot be expected from him. If he does this in October, I may have a anxiety attack. The Guillermo Mota sans steroids experiment is over for me. Mota clearly is not going to be a consistent positive presence in relief. Therefore, I can't bear to see him in a situation with a game on the line anymore. Please and Thank you. Aaron Heilman will have 4-5 great outings, followed by a rough one. That's just Aaron Heilman. Here's hoping Sosa can remain effective as a reliever.

Thanks to the play of Lastings Milledge, Shawn Green has received a part-time demotion. I would say hat tip to Lastings, but Green's hat has probably already fallen off three times since I began this sentence.

Paul LoDuca has joined the party on the DL. Face it, we may never see the "A-Team" on the field this year in back-to-back games.

Carlos Beltran, one whom I have remained silent on this season, is the big winner of his own post. Stay tuned for that.

When runners are in scoring position, to win ballgames it is crucial to drive them home. Is this a new concept in baseball?!

I'm not really sure where the Mets are going to end up this season. They have the potential to win this division, but if they will play up to their potential is the big question. There are many Mets fans that continue to proclaim that New York will handily win the division, which was great positivity in May. I still believe it can happen, but I think it's also necessary for fans to prepare themselves for the worst if this team cannot snap out of this inconsistency. We have all been waiting for the lineup to finally kick in it to gear, and it really just hasn't happened. If it doesn't happen soon, the Mets season could see itself in serious jeopardy. Mets fans have seen some pretty terrible teams come through Shea and we have survived. The frustrations today come from fans watching a team that is far from terrible, yet turning itself into a less than intimidating team.

Forget a series win, a win tomorrow is necessary for this team to maintain some dignity.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Chop Suey...Again

May 25, 2007...The post was titled Chop Suey. I concluded following the 3rd pitiful series against the Braves that I believed the Mets would still come out on top of the east and dominate in August. Fast Forward to today; another pitiful series against the Braves, another series loss. So much for domination in August by the Mets.

The Mets have to beat the Braves. They have to find a way if they are going to succeed this year. Go beyond the Braves, the Mets need to start winning and winning now against their division rivals. Pardon my annoyance, but this is getting ridiculous.

For those who argue it's a long season of 162 games, I agree with you until you can see the end of summer fast approaching. There's no longer a long season ahead of us. Winning against teams like the Dodgers, Brewers, and Cubs will only take you so far. With the unbalanced schedule (which I hate), you HAVE to win in your division. Plain and simple. If you take a quick glimpse at the remainder of the schedule, the Mets play most of their remaining games against opponents from the NL East. So instead of turning the page, someone may want to flip to the back and peek at the answers. We need answers sooner rather than later.

I appreciate the attempt at a comeback today. This series was a bit better fought than the previous three, but almost doesn't count at this point. I'm not angry, just rather disgruntled from being owned by Atlanta for the majority of my life. Willie Harris ruined my day and that silent "Oh my God" that came from David Wright following that catch is how I feel every time I have to hear Chipper named his kid Shea.

Speaking of D.Wright, who struggled against Braves pitching, has been solid lately on all fronts. Any April doubters should hide their faces. Beyond his play lately, hat tip to him for verbalizing what every Mets fan was feeling after today's game. (Check the quote of the week) The fluff from Willie Randolph does not make me feel better. Knowing that this loss was actually burning someone's ass IN the clubhouse made me feel better. Reason #415 why I love David Wright.

The Marlins are coming to town tomorrow night. The Mets need to come out strong and win these games. It's crucial for this team to start playing it's best ball heading into the stretch, which I believe we have yet to see from this squad. I sure do hate seafood, but a fish fry sounds perfect.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

7 Best Things about 756

Barry Bonds finally hit home run 756. Now I can sleep at night...

Just kidding. In all seriousness, I am quite happy this is finally over. I couldn't stand the hoopla anymore. Here's the bright spots of 756 to me. Check the Global NYM blog for a more serious take on Bonds.

7. ESPN will stop picking up coverage of god-awful games like a Giants vs. Nationals game.
6. ESPN will also stop interrupting every other show and sentence with a Bonds at-bat.
5. Mike Bacsik, a former Met, handed Barry #756.
4. I no longer need to watch Bud Selig mope in a luxury box like he hates his life.
3. The night was a bit over shadowed for me, as the Blue Jays were busy trying to get the last HA! in against Alex Rodriguez.
2. Obviously Mr. Matt Murphy, all decked out in the orange and blue.
1. The flashback to Bonds in 1986, while he was emphatically stating the record was not tainted. Perfectly timed.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Milledge Can Stick Around

I have been away far too long and the only thing that's more annoying than an awful case of allergies, is that the Mets are still lacking the killer instinct I think they need to really go the distance this year. While I was away the Mets rattled off a good number of wins, which I expected. Other positives and negatives: Alou's return; Beltran's nagging injuries; Glavine's failed attempt of 300; Joe Smith's demotion; Pedro's continuing progress. But the one thing that has stuck out has been the presence of Lastings Milledge.

I can barely believe this post I'm writing; being one of the biggest Milledge skeptics I know of. I had some issues with Milledge last year and was not completely sold on this kid. He obviously had potential in what we saw of him last year; yet I was uncertain if he would be able to succeed in New York. Only time would tell if he really would "get his grown man on," as he stated in Spring Training this year.

Despite the little rap record blip (which was a bit blown out of proportion), he has been a good boost for the club. He has had a number of big hits, yet is still a little inconsistent at the plate. Milledge has also provided solid defense in the absence of Carlos Beltran and covers good ground to complement the less than speedy Green and Alou. A much improved defensive showing from that horrendous night Milledge had versus the Green Monster last summer.

Besides the obvious tools of the game, Lastings has a bit of a chip on his shoulder. It is a bit sub-dued, but a healthy chip. He always appears to be fired up when he's on the field, whether it be the fist pump after a slide into home, or a snap down of the glove after a fly ball. He's totally in it when he's on the field and that scores some points with me. I would rather have a player who's emotionally involved, although it can work against you at times, than one who approaches each day going through the motions.

Milledge has a swagger that I wish the Mets possessed as a whole and surprisingly, I hope he remains that way. Maybe I can live with Lastings on my team after all.