Sunday, August 12, 2007

Off Day = Mental Health Day

While the Mets will look to the off day as a time to check themselves; I will treat myself to a day of NO METS!

I love the Mets...everything about them and I have for too many years. But the Mets test my patience and quite frankly, make me a very anxious person from April-October. This season's under-par performances are really taking a toll on my blood pressure.

Monday is a day for the Mets to decide to get it together. They need to focus on the "fundies." They need to decide when they are sick of being dominated by teams under .500. They need to find a balance of long ball and small ball. They need to stop running through signs and start knocking runners in. They need to decide to flip the switch and put what's already happened behind them. This is the time to say "six weeks left, let get this show on the road." David Wright preaches that this team needs to start going in for the kill and putting teams away. Well, Jose Reyes had the right idea today...just keep kicking them while they're down and we still can take the NL East.

Monday is another day to work out the ever-evolving disabled list. Marlon Anderson should be due back soon and Ramon Castro's arthritic back may pose a head-scratching position. When it comes to nagging injuries, it's time to pull up the boot straps and grit your teeth. It's mid-August and we all have bumps and bruises. I know I do.

Monday is my day away from the Mets, as I usually practice on off-days. This is how I maintain some sense of sanity during a very long season and I advise all of you to do the same.

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